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Brandon from Flightcontrol writes an in-depth exploration of strategies for handling data in software systems that serve multiple clients or 'tenants'.

It emphasizes the importance of incorporating 'teams' functionality from the outset to avoid future complexities. The guide discusses various models for organizing data, including single versus multiple databases, and provides insights on implementing robust access controls, handling user sessions effectively, and ensuring data isolation across different tenants.

It also compares different access models from companies like the GitHub, Google or Linear.

Understanding Layout Algorithms is definitely how I got decent at CSS.

The article explains a mental model shift needed to grasp CSS more intuitively. It explains that layout algorithms—like Flexbox, Grid, and Flow—are the ones that define how CSS properties behave. It provides insights into how these algorithms handle properties differently and how a deeper understanding of these mechanisms can lead to better, more predictable coding outcomes.

Hono is a super fast and lightweight web framework designed for building applications across multiple JavaScript runtimes, like Cloudflare, AWS Lambda, Bun, Node.js, and more.

It's noted for its small size (the tiny preset is under 14kB), extensive support for middleware, and first-class TypeScript support, all contributing to a delightful developer experience.

Hono's architecture relies exclusively on Web Standard APIs, ensuring the same codebase can run everywhere.

The CSS Layout Generator is a tool designed to help create CSS and HTML for layout components that manage the spacing and arrangement of child elements within a webpage.

This approach is based on the philosophy that UI components should not include margins that affect surrounding elements, ensuring better encapsulation and usability. This tool allows for straightforward creation of components that control direction and spacing, enhancing design flexibility and consistency. offers a collection of customizable vector icons, designed with a focus on consistency, cleanliness, and scalability.

These lightweight icons are tree-shakable, ensuring that only the icons you use are imported into your projects. Lucide supports all major package managers and offers extensive customization options, such as adjusting color, size, and stroke width.

Lucide is a fork of Feather Icons backed by an active community due to Feather being abandoned and no longer actively maintained. Feather had 287 icons and since moving apart, Lucide has added over 1000 icons (right now they have a total of 1460 icons).

Accessibility Myths challenges common misconceptions about web accessibility through a series of debunked myths.

It emphasizes that accessibility benefits not only people with disabilities but everyone, improving overall user experience and increasing website usability.

Integrating accessibility from the beginning of a project is cost-effective and enhances a development team’s skills while reducing legal risks.

Cloudflare Calls is a managed service that acts as WebRTC selective forwarding unit (SFU).

Orange Meets is Google Meet-like demo app built on the top of Calls, showcasing the capabilities of the whole Cloudflare stack.

It is built with Remix and also uses TailwindCSS.

Dead Simple Websites is a curated selection of websites following a minimal design.

(yes, at some point I'll improve this website with some inspiration from here)

shadcn/ui offers a selection of ready-to-use, customizable design components that you can simply copy and paste into your projects without needing to install them as dependencies.

This approach allows for greater flexibility and control over the code, as you can customize each component to your specific needs. It's designed to be accessible and open-source, providing a practical resource for building your own component libraries.

In their website you can find also a theme builder and bigger blocks putting together the components into cohesive pages.

For the past months I felt that this site needed a bit more of activity, this was a single static page made with Remix v1 and only with the "Bio" section.

So after building some Astro sites for The Crafters Lab clients, yesterday I decided to fix it and update it with something similar to a blog.

The site is based on the Keystatic Astro template, you can test it just running: npm create @keystatic@latest

Technologies Used

  • Astro: Static site builder.
  • Keystatic: The markdown-based CMS powering this bits.
  • TailwindCSS: A minimal utility-based CSS framework.
  • Cloudflare Pages: A developer-focused platform designed for building fast websites.

The Good Parts

  • It's fully static. This means a very fast performance, stability and thanks to the Cloudflare pricing, fully free hosting with unlimited bandwidth.
  • Everything is owned by the developer. The code, the data and the CMS are open source local components that don't rely on external services being up or down.
  • WYSIWYG editor. Keystatic gives you a local editor that makes editing the markdown files a standard CMS experience (think Wordpress, Ghost, etc)

The Bad Parts

  • It's fully static. This means that editing and publishing a post involves editing a markdown file (either in GitHub or through the local WYSIWYG editor) and redeploying the site (deployment takes ~40s).


So, wrapping things up: your site's makeover really steps up the game by integrating Astro and Keystatic. It's sleek, efficient, and keeps things straightforward with its static setup. Yes, updates need a bit of elbow grease since you're editing markdown files and redeploying, but what you get in return is a site that's totally yours, costs nothing to host on Cloudflare Pages, and runs super smoothly.

It's a great balance of ease, control, and modern web tech!

Cloudflare Pages is a developer-focused platform designed for building fast websites.

It seamlessly integrates with Git, allowing developers to easily deploy updates by just pushing changes. The platform is optimized for collaboration, offering unlimited seats and preview links for every commit included in the free tier.

For static sites, bandwidth and static requests are free.

And for dynamic sites, Cloudflare Workers (their serverless offering) are deeply integrated and they come with zero cold-starts, db connectors and a better pricing than AWS Lambda.

CF Pages is compatible with popular frameworks like Astro, Remix, Next or Nuxt.

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that helps you design and build modern, responsive websites directly within your HTML.

It offers a wide range of classes for various styling options, from layout control to typography and colors, enabling a more efficient and customizable design process. Its system encourages consistency while still allowing for pixel-perfect custom designs, making it a versatile choice for web development.

TailwindCSS automatically purges the generated CSS, plus using a limited set of utility classes allows the output css files to be small.

Keystatic is a versatile tool that integrates content management into your codebase, allowing you to handle Markdown, JSON, and YAML files directly within your projects.

It offers a robust CMS experience without needing a database, supporting both local and GitHub-based workflows. This makes it easy to manage and edit your content either through a user-friendly admin UI or directly within your code. Keystatic is particularly compatible with web development frameworks like Next.js, Astro, and Remix, providing a seamless bridge between your content and code.

PS: Together with Astro it powers this website!

Astro is a modern web development framework designed to make building fast and efficient websites easier.

It allows you to write your website using multiple frameworks (like React, Vue, or Svelte) without loading all their JavaScript by default and rendering the html at compile-time. This approach results in faster loading times and better performance.

Astro also focuses on delivering a seamless developer experience, with features like out-of-the-box TypeScript support, file-based routing, and optimized build outputs. Whether you're building a simple static site or a complex web application, Astro provides the tools to help you create a high-performing website with less hassle.

PS: And it powers this very website!